The Best Grad Speech That Never Happened
I’m sure everyone remembers the sound of thousands of disappointed sighs echoing through the country the day that James Franco backed out of his commitment to make the commencement speech for the University of California – Los Angeles. If I went to UCLA, I would definitely be a sad panda to learn that the hottie from Freaks and Geeks wouldn’t be giving my graduation speech.
The reason why he backed out? Well, after all the bitching that UCLA did (seriously, what is wrong with you, people?), we all thought it was some lame acting gig or something. However, a new video shows that UCLA may have rejected James’ speech instead of the other way around.
This video from The Harvard Lampoon shows James’ test speech that he sent to UCLA (har har). I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t want him! Seriously – if this was my grad speech, I think I’d be way more prepared for the “real” world (where there are secure, lucrative jobs waiting for me ’cause of my college degree). Not that I’d be paying much attention to what what was being said if he was flying over the crowd in a jet pack. At least I wouldn’t be falling asleep! And….hold for applause.
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