It really takes a lot of guts to buy (and wear) a gag jersey. You're basically paying $150 for a wearable punchline. Sometimes it works great and sometimes....well, they get sent to us and we make a gallery.
The Favrebag seemed to generate a lot of interest from readers, as the last couple of days have seen a flood of submissions of fans who just couldn't resist the opportunity to wear their sense of humor on their back. Fashion-comedy genius or a waste of good polyester? You decide.
Keep sending more and we'll add them to collection. (Also check out Puck Daddy's "Jersey Fouls" for more shirt-based awkwardness.)
This one gets points for difficulty, because it requires both partners to be in sync for the joke to work. Sadly, it loses points because the people behind them are trying to eat nachos. [Submitted by reader Arthur]
Unnecessary capitalization. YEs! yES! YES! [Submitted by Brent]
Eh. That's not so drunk. (Nice helmet though.) [Submitted by Shannon]
Hey, Utah! Get me two. [Submitted by Andrew, Taken at Eagles-Chiefs game in Philly]
Celebrating the greatest moment in White Sox fan history. Plus, elder abuse is always good for a chuckle. [Submitted by Alex - "Taken at the 9/25 Sox-Tigers game"]
This is more confusing than Kordell Stewart's career. [Submitted by Zach - Taken at Bears-Steelers game, Week 2]
It took a long time, but being a Steve Bono fan finally pays off. [Submitted by Sully]
Don't ask me.... [Bangin Panger]
Again, I'm not really sure who we're talking about anymore. [Submitted by John]
When Stinky Met Pujols
Truth In Labeling?
No Autographs, Please. Mr. Hellraiser Has A Plane To Catch