It Could Always Be Worse Alert: Steven Seagal's Energy Drink
With MMA fighters running off to dancing-based reality shows and movie remakes of old TV shows, it's easy to become discouraged. But don't worry, because we found something much, much worse: Steven Seagal's "Lightning Bolt" energy drink. As you'll see, it includes flavors like Cherry Charge and Asian Experience. We'll leave it up to your imaginations to decide what the latter tastes like, but just for fun let's take a look at the 'About Steven' section of the website:
A master of several Japanese martial arts, Steven Seagal is a popular action movie hero whose films combine spiritual concepts and social/environmental consciousness with high-voltage violence.
By spiritual concept and social/environmental consciousness, we assume they're referring to this. At least MMA fighters aren't so hard up that they're resorting to energy drinks...oh, wait:
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