What Your Haircut Really Says About You

Posted by itsyourboyerik on 12:12 AM

a haircut is a great way to instantly tell someone who you are and what you do, but sometimes the message that you're trying to send with your haircut isn't always the same as the message that people get from it.  Here's what your haircut really says about you:


The Emo Swoop



Ah, the emo swoop: it's like wearing a highway caution sign on your head that says "I'm a huge pussy".  As an excellent multi-functional haircut, the Emo Swoop satisfies your desire to feel like you're living your life from inside of a hair prison, and it keeps the world from having to see too much of your ugly, tear-streaked face.


What You Think It Says: If I'm 16 or under, then I know the kind of guy that girls my age are into.  If I'm over 16, then I'm the type of guy that could probably justify statutory rape to myself.


What It Really Says: I grew up in a normal, upper-middle class family in the suburbs. My life is pretty normal.  Can you imagine how painful it is to not have any pain at all?



The Slick Back


A favorite of successful businessmen, sleezy businessmen, and bad guys from old black and white movies, the Slick Back is a classic, timeless haircut. Experiment with greasiness to obtain the desired level of creepiness.


What You Think It Says: Do any of you ladies like money?


What It Really Says: Hi. I'm Patrick Bateman.



The Shaved Head


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