Twitter Device Tweets Heartbeat, Scares Relatives When Twitter Crashes
We have to hand it to that Twitter thing. From further boosting the egos of outspoken tech industry personalities to supporting Iranian revolutions, the service has demonstrated its strengths. Today, the service can let relatives know you are still alive.
Developed by Japanese geek forum Koress Project, the Akiduki Pulse box does this by autonomously posting your heartbeat to Twitter. Once there, friends, family and enemies can all watch as your natural rhythms play out on the world stage in real time.
From the translated promotional video:
"Now I can die and post this info to Twitter. That's what I call a revolution!" and "Use the Akiduki Pulse box when you do sports, are in love or don't even know yourself if you're still alive!".
The tweets themselves contain some basic info about your heartbeat, as well as an evaluation (Jack needs food—badly!). The device is open source (cool), but to use the system you need access to a heart monitor (not cool). [Asijin via CrunchGear]
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