The Bidding Wars For The Erin Andrews Interview Have Begun

Posted by itsyourboyerik on 9:21 AM

Oprah. Larry King. Diane Sawyer. Katie Couric. According to one snitch/source, these are some of the heavy-hitters jockeying for the exclusive EA post-peephole heart-to-heart sit-down.

Nick Denton has yet to put a bid in, but I don't think $10k will cover it this time around. Besides, he still sometimes refers to her as Erin Anderson.

With so many other interesting things brewing at the World Wide Leader In Twitter Policing recently, we've all forgotten that in just a few short weeks, on September 3, Erin Andrews will trot onto the sidelines at Carter-Finley stadium for NC State versus South Carolina. It's impossible to think ESPN (or Erin Andrews' lawyer, Marshall Grossman) will unleash her to a stadium full of lathered up college kids without a proper, formal interview gravely addressing the incident, one not containing the phrase "I'm being treated like fucking Britney Spears and it sucks."

But there's also palpable EA resentment brewing at Bristol, we hear, and that plenty of individuals, although sympathetic to her peephole plight, have also began to question her motivations — before and after a tiny camera sent America's Sideline Princes Google-trending down the rabbit hole. Catty questions being asked: What was with the ESPY wardrobe choices? Why is her publicist tipping TMZ that she'll be at LAX at a specific time? And why in sweet Jesus did Grossman push that press release out to the world when it could have been effectively tamped down by ESPN internally?

Of course, there's also the GQ photo-shoot predicament. The issue with the Erin Andrews fashion shoot is scheduled to hit stands in the next few weeks. No one knows how these photos — taken well before peephole mania ensued — will portray her and GQ has still not revealed if they'll actually run or if the photos will be accompanied with text addressing the current state-of-the-state of EA. We'll all find out soon enough.

Both ESPN and Mr. Grossman have yet to respond to queries about the high-profile interview requests so, for now, this is Sid Hudgens...off the record, on the QT, and very...hush-hush.

UPDATE: Marshall Grossman's response: "Erin Andrews has not committed to any on-air interviews. She has received and declined all invitations to do so. She is not in negotiations with any media to do so. mg" (He's so scary!)

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