Inner Monologue of the Cop Who Pulled You Over
Posted by itsyourboyerik
3:01 PM
Alright, let's see: this guy's driving a 2004 Honda Civic that's completely beat to shit. There's no way this idiot can afford a traffic ticket. Well, I might as well utilize my position of authority to ruin his entire month. I'll just run his license plate through the police database real quick to find out if I'm gonna have to kill this motherf*cker in the name of the law. Hmm, the plate comes up clean. Uh oh, what's this? Expired registration, huh? Excellent. Now I actually have a reason for pulling him over. Let's get the show on the road. Haha! Get it? Road? Because I pulled this dumbass over on a road! Oh, man, I'm f*ckin' hilarious. Why did I become a cop? I should've been a world-famous comedian! I'm already way funnier than that racist two-bit hack Jeff Dunham!
Alright, I'll start off by shining my super strong, industrial-grade flashlight right in this dipshit's face so that he can't see and he gets disoriented and acts drunk, even though he's probably not drunk at all. That'll get him, that piece of shit normal, everyday person who's just trying to make a decent living. Not in my town, asshole! I'll just go by the books at first, until he gives me a reason to mace him in the face. I'll ask him if he knows why I pulled him over. He'll either say that he has absolutely no idea, or he'll confess to doing something that I probably didn't even know about. If he says something about having bodies in his trunk, I'm just gonna shoot him in the face with my gun. I've been carrying this damn gun for three years, and I've never gotten to shoot anyone in the face. What's the point of carrying a gun all the time if you never get to shoot anyone in the face?! Where's all the exciting cop work that I thought I was signing up for?!
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