Is Cursive Handwriting Dead?
Cursive handwriting, a one-time mainstay of communication and mark of status, has become a rarity on the cusp of extinction. We're wondering if you think that's a good thing for all those future thank-you notes and other correspondence.
Photo by procilas.
If you've long since abandoned writing in cursive, you're in the good company of most of the world and the entire Lifehacker editorial staff. According to TIME magazine, cursive has been on a slow decline since the 1920s and practically on life support since the 1980s:
People born after 1980 tend to have a distinctive style of handwriting: a little bit sloppy, a little bit childish and almost never in cursive. The knee-jerk explanation is that computers are responsible for our increasingly illegible scrawl, but Steve Graham, a special-education and literacy professor at Vanderbilt University, says that's not the case. The simple fact is that kids haven't learned to write neatly because no one has forced them to. "Writing is just not part of the national agenda anymore," he says.
Write everything in cursive? Only your signature? Plan never to write another word in cursive, thanks to the non-tender ministrations of Sister Angelina?
<br> <a href="">Do You Write in Cursive?</a><span style="font-size:9px;">(<a href="">polls</a>)</span><br>Log your vote in the poll above and then sound off in the comments with your tales of dapper penmanship or handwriting woes.
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